We have introduced themed Thursdays! This June saw us launch our new themed Thursday events where we will host themed lunches in The Hub to give our residents chance to try different food and cultural activities from across the globe.
We started with Italian, followed by Indian then Chinese with plans for Spanish and Mexican to name just a few. Over the coming months we’ll be travelling the culinary world!
We’ll decorate The Hub with balloons in the colours of the flag for the country of choice as well as having menu options inspired by the themes’ cuisine such as curry, paella, tortillas, or spaghetti. Photo menus will be used to help to show the residents what to expect for their lunch; as always, all dietary requirements outlined in every resident’s individual care plan will still be adhered to. The staff will dress up to bring the theme to life and of course, as we like to see feet tapping, hands clapping and faces smiling here at The Manor House, we’ll put on music for residents to enjoy a dance with our care staff…. from the flamenco to bhangra and the mariachi we think Themed Thursdays will encourage a lot of fun!