Banner for May activities showcasing various events at Manor House

Activities Round Up – May


Our activities calendar for May was packed to the brim, keeping us all busy and entertained the whole month!

We were invited along to Stafford College to attend their Coronation Afternoon Tea. Residents and staff thoroughly enjoyed the afternoon, with tasty treats, bingo and crafts to keep us entertained. We were made to feel so welcome by staff and students; it was so nice to attend a community event.

The coronation of Charles III and Camilla was such a lovely occasion. We had a fantastic day celebrating on the 6th of May, as well as all the activities organised in the lead-up to the event. Residents made lots of crowns, artwork and decorations to ensure the Manor House was decorated throughout. Our celebrations were well attended by residents and relatives, making it a day to remember. Celebrations continued the following week, with Vee Sweeney coming along to entertain us all.

The 12th of May marked International Nurses Day. Residents, relatives and staff gathered to celebrate the work our amazing nursing team does at the Manor House. We presented Nursing awards to Bertha, Emmanuel and Seth to acknowledge their dedication and work. Many thanks to everyone who took the time to nominate the nursing team to acknowledge their hard work.

We added plenty of mindfulness activities to our busy May schedule to ensure residents had some downtime to relax. Bingo, baking, movies, gardening and pamper sessions proved popular! Residents made some yummy rice crispy & cornflake cakes to mark Mental Health Awareness Week. These were decorated with meaningful words of support and enjoyed over a cuppa, allowing residents and staff to catch up and acknowledge the importance of talking for our mental health.

We were so excited to explore the new equipment we received at the end of May. The touch screen activity table will enhance activities for our residents, helping boost well-being. The touch screen activity table can provide personalised activities for each resident and be used in group sessions. Residents have enjoyed using the table; we look forward to adding it to our activity plan and 1-21 sessions.  

At the month’s end, some residents went out for a walk with staff to Hyde Lea before stopping off for a cuppa at the Royal Oak. We look forward to taking residents out and about in June and hope the sun stays shining!

Celebration at Manor House

Activities Round Up – April

At the Manor House, there is a real focus on activities, both group and one to one, with residents having opportunities seven days a week. We understand the importance of keeping the residents active and engaged in interests and social occasions to promote good mental and physical health. 

April activities started with a baking session, with residents and staff making crispy cakes and butterfly cupcakes. Our residents don’t just like to eat cake; many also enjoy creating their own cakes and bakes!

Easter crafts kept us busy, with some beautiful creations being made to decorate the home. The weather was kind to us over Easter weekend, so we made the most of it by spending as much time out in the garden as possible. A surprise visit from the Easter Bunny made our day, with all residents and staff receiving treats.

National Caramel Day gave us a good reason to treat ourselves to some delicious caramel hot milk and coffee. Let’s just say the date is already marked in the calendar for next year!

We planted sunflowers seeds in the middle of April to add to our beautiful garden. They have already sprouted through, and we can’t wait to see them grow. We will keep you updated on progress via our social media accounts.

National Pet Day saw two special guests visit us at Manor House. Rocky and Dolly were welcomed with open arms, representing our much-loved Pet Therapy team. Pets have the most positive impact on the lives of humans; we are so fortunate to have all the dogs visit us.

We held our first charity coffee morning in April, supporting Brain Tumour Research UK. Great fun was had, with everyone enjoying refreshments and yummy home bakes. We raised £54.20. Thanks to all residents, staff and relatives for the kind donations and support.

Preparations for Coronation Day started early, with us making crowns and decorations to ensure we were all ready for such a special occasion. Residents thoroughly enjoyed the crafting sessions, with everyone looking forward to celebrating!

National Banana Day was the perfect excuse for making banana bread muffins and sampling Shmoo banana milkshakes. These made for a tasty, healthy afternoon snack, full of potassium and good for hydration levels.

The staff got kitted out with fancy dress to help celebrate St George’s Day. There was a special dinner to mark the occasion, along with a quiz and crosswords.

We played Royal Prize Bingo in the lead-up to the Coronation and also had a quiz afternoon. Both were very popular with our residents, so we will be making sure to schedule plenty more in the coming months.

As always, our danceSing sessions went down a storm. We celebrated International Day of Dance with a special session where residents and staff enjoyed getting involved. Dance has excellent benefits, including improved posture and a better overall sense of well-being.

The activities schedule is already well underway for May, with many activities to look forward to. As always, we welcome visitors to come along and join in the fun!