Nursing Home Stafford

This November we joined the nation in going all out for Children in Need.

With decorations throughout the home and in our central dining and event space, The Hub – covered in brightly coloured balloons and bunting, staff dressed up, Pudsey ears all round, arts & crafts, music, dancing, and dinner accompanied by iced fairy cakes it has been quite the week!

Everyone had so much fun – the residents love it when our team pick up the microphone and start to sing for them, and there is no doubt music and dancing brings lots of smiles and joy.

Occasions such as this where we can throw a party and turn up the music are a great way of igniting a real sense of community spirit, warmth, and friendships here at The Manor House Nursing Home. Our Activities Team create a calendar of events to ensure there is always a range of entertainment for residents to get involved with. We also ensure, that if for any reason a resident cannot attend the main event in The Hub, the team will take the event to them in their bedroom or one of the communal lounge spaces to ensure no one misses out.

To find out more about Activities and daily routines at the Manor House, or if you have any other questions, please call us on 01785 250600.