Care Homes
Sara Smith
“Aesthetically pleasing surroundings are important. I wanted my clients to enjoy and thrive in the spaces that I created. I graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in Fine Art—Interior Design from North-western University, and then worked at a design studio in Evanston.”
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24 Hour Care Tamworth
Margie Schoen
“Forty years ago, I decided to learn to square dance, and I have not stopped dancing since! It was in 1973 when a neighbour shared that she lost 35 pounds square dancing. My husband wanted to lose weight, so we gave it a try. He
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Residential Care Home
Ross and Gesa Clark with Spencer
“Spencer adopted us from the Rancho Coastal Humane Society,” says Ross. “Once we found out that we could have a dog in our apartment, we started looking. We changed his name to Spencer—it was my mother’s maiden name—and took him with us for an extended
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Dementia Care
Lillian “Lilli” Diamond
Lilli Diamond started dancing as a child and then joined a professional dance troupe at sixteen. “There were eight of us, she recalls. We travelled around the country dancing in vaudeville and nightclub shows. The second day after I moved to Los Angeles, I met
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